
ToothFairy-WhatagreatAPP!ToothFairydoesexactlywhatIneedittodoto-itmakeiteasytouseBlueToothheadphonesonmyMac.Itriedone ...,2023年11月23日—更多選購方式:尋找當地的Apple直營店或其他零售商,或致電0800-020-021。,BlueSenseanalyzesthesignalofyourBluetoothdeviceandexecutesanydesiredactionswhenyoumoveorcomebackatproximityofyourMac.MacAppStoreBuy ...,Mac·DownloadontheMacAppStore·AvailableonSetapp.Connec...

ToothFairy on the Mac App Store

ToothFairy - What a great APP! ToothFairy does exactly what I need it to do to - it make it easy to use BlueTooth headphones on my Mac. I tried one ...

在Mac App Store 上的「Find My Bluetooth BLE Device」

2023年11月23日 — 更多選購方式:尋找當地的Apple 直營店或其他零售商,或致電0800-020-021。

BlueSense for macOS, detects the presence of your Bluetooth ...

BlueSense analyzes the signal of your Bluetooth device and executes any desired actions when you move or come back at proximity of your Mac. Mac App Store Buy ...


Mac · Download on the Mac App Store · Available on Setapp. Connect AirPods (and other Bluetooth devices) to your Mac with a single click or keypress.

Apple Bluetooth for Mac

Download Apple Bluetooth for Mac to . Apple Bluetooth has had 9 updates.

Better Bluetooth

2019年1月30日 — First up: ToothFairy, available in the Mac App Store for $3. The app puts an icon in your Mac's menu bar that you can click to connect and ...

Bluetooth devices not showing up on Mac OS

To access these permissions, please navigate to Settings > Privacy > Bluetooth. Within the menu, please select the SPARKvue or Capstone apps, and make sure the ...